A fluid manipulation playground toy for 3-5-year old kids
Type: School Project My Role: Graphic Designer, Researcher, Prototyper
Duration: 5 Months Client: Landscape Structure Inc
Designed and prototyped a full-scale human figure fluid toy, and users can manipulate parts of the body to see different fluid actions that relate to body functions
Develop an educational playground toy for kids
A fluid manipulation playground toy for 3-5-year old kids

Type: Freelance My Role: UI Designer
Duration: 2 Months Tools: PhotoShop, MockingBot
Facts that we learned
In order to have a better understanding of ..., we interviewed 10 people including older patients and their caregivers to talk about their experiences and feelings. I also did a literature review to learn existing screening tools and interviewed clinical staff about their ethical concerns during visiting the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Problem to Solve
Since most of our friends are extremely busy or have limited availability, plans get canceled often. People need friends. Many people want to make new friends but also shy to meet new people outside of social events. "How we can facilitate easier meet ups and friendships for busy or shy U of M students?"
We designed an app to "push " people to meet.
Type: Freelance My Role: UI Designer
Duration: 2 Months Tools: PhotoShop, MockingBot
Facts that we learned
In order to have a better understanding of ..., we interviewed 10 people including older patients and their caregivers to talk about their experiences and feelings. I also did a literature review to learn existing screening tools and interviewed clinical staff about their ethical concerns during visiting the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

By several rounds of brainstorming, we generated 70+ ideas. Through a few group discussions, we found a big opportunity gap - why is there no fluid manipulation device at any playground for now?

Research process started by exploring playgrounds at different locations. Each team member visited two playgrounds and took photos and notes, then brought them back to discuss together.
The poster I
designed for our
initial concept
Initial Concept - Spinning Sandscape
Why - no fluid devices at any playground
What - a tangible interface for designing and understanding landscapes through a variety of computational simulations using sand.
Who - for 3-5-year-old children
How - children can create their own work of art by spinning the frame on the swivel stand. With each turn, the sand slowly shifts to create a new scene
Challenge - keep the liquid steady at a low temperature
Initial Concept


Three directions
Material Investigation: oil; water; glitter; different kind of colored sand
Function: water pump; magnet
Motion: a spinning wood circle
First Round PlayTest and Feedback
Develop the concept
Determine the material
Develop more color
Love the water pump
Second Round Sketch Model & Construction
First Round Sketch
Model Construction
How to pump the heart from the bottom without leaking
How to joint each wood piece for Sandman
How to rotate Colorscape easier
Second Round PlayTest and Feedback

What's changed
Built two full-scale models: Colorscape and Sandman
Figured out the liquid material which allows for a low freezing point so that it can withstand temperature as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit without freezing
Developed the water pump function to the “heart” pump for Sandman
Developed 7 colors for Colorscape

"Just one direction for the pump is a little boring, may consider adding unique 'disturbance mechanism' for each panel to give more variety.."
"The heart pump is fun, I love it!"
“I can play with it a whole day!”
"The colored liquid did not have as great an effect as the clear liquid with vibrant green sand."

Created a human figure panel of numerous interactive faces of acrylic which contains the material we tested
Utilized multiple disruption features including air pumps, oil dripping mechanisms and sand pictures
This toy was built to be not only unique, imaginative and educational but also practical and environmental.



What we got: 300 comments after PLAYSENTATION
Next Step: to build more with figures of animals, oceans and even outer space
Check out our final Playsentation!