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#1 - Connected Intimacy

Lighting Talk

An interactive device to help you apologize to your loved one after a quarrel.

Time to Drink Water!


Team Work

My Role:



Spring 2017

Week 4


Communicating with two or more devices

Conceptual Design

The team started with brainstorming and came up with the initial idea, which is to build an interactive device for lovers or friends who have a quarrel and neither side  want to apologies first. This device helps build a new way to say sorry via two fantastic buttons. Each person has a button in their rooms. When a person A want to apologize/talk with another person B, A just needs to press the button and wait until B presses another button. (During the waiting period, there no any signal will happen to B.) After both A and B press their buttons, both of their buttons light up which is a surprise that they both want to talk to each other.

#2 - Sensor platforms

An IoT device to monitor the room temperature/humidity to let people know they should drink water if under a dry condition.




Spring 2017

Week 2

Problem statement

The problem is that for my old roommates they never drink water unless they feel thirsty. Even they know it is not good for health, but they always forget to drink water if no one remind them. 


My solution is to build a device to monitor the room temperature and send alert to remind them the time they should drink water if under a dry condition.

#3 - Critical Objects 

The future of advertising



Team Work

My Role:




Spring 2017

Week 6


Develop a critical proposal for a near future issue around the IoT.

Critical Object
Alexa connects to your smart home but now comes with the added feature of not only letting you know when you are low on supplies, but also gives you advertisements for the products. Alexa will speak to you regarding the advertisements and give you reminders to pick up your supplies. Alexa will also monitor your mood and suggest products or services you might need throughout the day or week.

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